Thursday, January 22, 2009

Relaxed Parking Regulations - Feedback?

Most of you have likely received notice in your mailbox from Councillor Christine Leadman regarding relaxed parking restrictions in the neighbourhood for the balance of the transit strike.

We have received a call from the Councillor's office today just following up to determine if this has been an issue for local residents. Please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Leadman's office directly, or pass an e-mail to if you have concerns. The general sense is that while this may be a minor inconvenience for some, we recognize the extreme circumstances behind this measure.

1 comment:

Grandpa Vic said...

I find that most of those who are using our streets as an extended parking facility for the Civic Campus are parking too close to our driveways. They are also parking right on top of the intersections. So it is virtually impossible to see traffic when backing out of a driveway or making a turn at an intersection. Maybe sometime in the next year this will all go away if the transit strike is settled.

Remember the last time the Civic was given temporary parking. The lot on Ruskin was (and still is) designated as a park.