Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Just a quick note to welcome and thank you for your participation in the Civic Hospital Neighbourhood meeting this evening.

We are likely going to have two online tools available in which to communicate and share ideas, but for now, please bookmark to keep up to date on current issues.

If you have any questions or need to reach me, I can be contacted directly at


Grandpa Vic said...

It is nice to see that this neighbourhood remains healthy (!) and vibrant. We have been here for almost 37 years and wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

It was nice to see our neighbour from the next block at the meeting last night. They have been here about 5 years longer than us. He celebrated his 90th birthday about a week ago!

When I get more accustomed to this blogging stuff I will add some thoughts about the Civic Hospital's potential relocation.

kath said...

Anything new from the CHNA?